Activisions Latest first person shooter game Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 hits the stores like a thunderstorm and made new records for sale. Predictions not only came true but this game demolished the previous records.
Activision say that 1.5 million gamers lined up outside the stores to buy a copy of CAD:MW3 on the night of the release.Analysts have predicted even more rise shall appear and about 18 million copies will be sold by the start of the calender year.
Full action packed masterpiece is on the go now, The Infinity Ward engine is far from cutting edge – the overall look of the game has moved on enormously since. The vision, the choreography, the sense of scale and detail, they are awesomely inspiring. There's the agenda-setting opener off the tip of Manhattan, with dozens of warships clustered in front of that iconic skyline, bombers buzzing above, the water crashing against monstrous hulls. Later, in Paris, there are hundreds of paratroopers dropping down around the Eiffel tower as a swarm of choppers blacken the skies. And in one astonishing sequence set aboard a plummeting jumbo jet, the player must indulge in a frenetic shoot-out as the craft's free-fall creates a gravity-free battle zone.The game is brilliantly made and spreading over its battle field colors
so guys run and grab a copy because the game is shit insane.
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