Sunday, 6 November 2011

The Solar Phones

Green Gadgets

Now you don't have to worry about your phone running out of juice again, because of the  new solar powered phones.The solar phones are aimed for the basic mobile phone functions, these phone provide a very long battery time and whenever you step out in sunlight they automatically start charging.

The two Most popular  brands Samsung and Vodafone has promised of a greener earth, these both of the companies have started making cell phones using recycled water bottles and has no brominated flame retardants, beryllium and phthalates all of the substances are INTOXIC.
These Phones have Incredible batter timing , once you charge, it will with stand for 8 days and if you expose the phone to sunlight it will start charging again and inhance the battery time.


  1. this is kinda sick i wouldn't mind buying 1

  2. yep these phones are very affordable, but i guess not sort of phone you would carry along

  3. yh tht true plus in england thr never any sun lol

  4. yeah lol, but these things dosent requires direct sunlight ,requires normal day light.

  5. lol yh so i wont be guess getting this phone would be useless if i gte it
